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Li Hongjun Investigated and Supervised the Advancement of Sewage System Renovation Project
updated on: 2024-07-10

On July 9, Li Hongjun, a member of the Standing Committee of the CPC Jiangxi Provincial Committee and Secretary of the CPC Nanchang Municipal Committee, went to the forefront to investigate and supervise the advancement of sewage system renovation project. Xiong Ming, a member of the Standing Committee of the CPC Nanchang Municipal Committee, Secretary of Nanchang Municipal Committee for Discipline Inspection, and Director of Supervision Committee of Nanchang City, and Jiang Xinhong, Vice Mayor of Nanchang City, attended.

During the investigation, Li Hongjun successively went to Dikuang Yingbin Living Quarter, Exhibition Hall of Chen Yun’s Former Residence, Qingyunpu North Road, Jiefang West Road, and Sub-road 2 of Taziqiao Community to inspect the drainage unit renovation, rain and sewage diversion renovation, manhole cover renovation, and pipelines ground entry, carefully check the project quality, and listen to relevant report. Li Hongjun stressed that relevant units should further strengthen sense of responsibility and mission, keep a close eye on targets and tasks, strengthen element guarantee, intensify our work, make every effort to race against the deadline and monitor the progress to ensure early completion and effectiveness of the projects, combine with our city’s thermodynamic state of population, optimize construction organization, promote the early completion of the renovation in the crowded area, facilitate a good urban operation order, solidly boost pipelines ground entry, integrate the network, telephone, power and other cables into the underground, coordinate the reconstruction of manhole covers, vigorously promote mature advanced technology, and scientifically deal with the manhole cover joint to ensure safety, firmness, smooth connection and no noise, further do a good job in the restoration of built-up road, follow monthly plan to advance the road improvement and reconstruction, focus on construction details, do a good job in preventing settlement, and endeavor to make the road look new through renovation.

Source: Nanchang Daily
